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  • We are free to choose our mindsets

    June 27, 2023

    The previous post closed with a fundamental concept from Camus’ analysis of the myth of Sisyphus. From the author’s viewpoint, we mortals should come to recognize the absurd nature of life as a form of liberation. This is one of the messages at the core of Camus’ writing, and of existential philosophy in general. If there is no intrinsic meaning to

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • "John is one of the best coaches I've ever had. John has taught me how to tell my story more effectively and find opportunities to share the story of our company. He truly changed the way I see the world."
    Tim BilodeauFounder of Medicines for Humanity
  • "John Sadowsky is an outstanding speaker. At our Annual Conference, the audience would not let him stop talking, so we let him go on. I had never seen that before with any other speaker."
    Maurice BonazGovernor of Rotary International for the Savoye-Mont Blanc Region
  • "John’s methods will deliver amazing results for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs. You will definitely be doing some soul-searching after an event with John."
    Stefan Stefaniak Senior Manager at Newtone Associates and Entrepreneurs Organization Coordinator (Geneva)
  • "The New Marketing is a critical guide to using social-media tools to express a brand's true nature. It is powerful, clear, and insightful."
    Guy Kawasaki Author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions
  • "John is an excellent coach. He showed us how to gather our customers around our virtual campfire and share stories about our products and brand. What a difference it has made!"
    Nick Heys CEO Jabmo, Industrial Strength ABM
  • "One of the most innovative leadership thinkers today: his in-depth approach empowers all of us to find inside ourselves what makes us effective as leaders."
    Management TV Latin America

About John Sadowsky


John Sadowsky is a global speaker, writer, leadership coach and business advisor, with more than 20 years of experience across five continents. John believes that we can all learn to lead – to have more influence in our worlds – by learning to express who we are and what we stand for in ways that inspire others.

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John's Books

The New Marketing

Las Siete Reglas Del Storytelling cover  Les 7 Regles du Storytelling cover  Eloge du Bien-Etre