How to keep our mood light in trying circumstances
January 3, 2023Among the most effective devices we found for keeping our mood light and positive while performing the tough job...
Reframing in the scraping station
December 2, 2022In the previous post, we observed that there was one place that nearly all the winery workers found particularly...
Nelson Mandela, world-class teacher
August 22, 2022On June 12 of this year, I happened to see CNN’s Fareed Zakaria interview David Gergen, a professor of...
How Mandela’s personal commitment to the Springboks showed the way toward a united nation
August 8, 2022In the previous post, we noted that there is certainly more to tell about Nelson Mandela’s efforts to preserve...
The Symbolic Power of Sports
July 1, 2022When Nelson Mandela won the presidential election of 1994, he took over a sharply divided country, one that was...
Using story and symbol to unify diverse groups
February 19, 2021It remains somewhat disheartening for me that President Biden appears not to be reading this blog. Worse yet is...
A tale of socks and shoes
July 19, 2018When I wrote last time about sports coaches who focus relentlessly on the fundamentals of their craft, it reminded...