
  • Leadership begins where you are, today

    So, how exactly does this discussion about ‘leadership at all levels’ apply to us?  As we have discussed before, we have opportunities to lead, to take a stand on some issue important to us, virtually every day.  Unfortunately, in these everyday life situations, we often make the decision not to lead. Imagine a simple work situation.  You are part of

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • Everyone has leadership potential

    Last time I was discussing some of the leadership lessons of Medicines for Humanity. Another of these lessons is that, if leadership is a decision that is open and accessible to everyone, leadership should happen at every level of an organization. Everybody in a group can make the decision to have a positive influence. We can do this in two

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • An example as leadership as a decision

    September 15 was something of a special day for me.  At Medicines for Humanity’s annual award dinner at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, I was honored as Humanitarian of the Year.  In truth, I was quite surprised and humbled when this award was announced a few months ago.  I am still not sure why I was ‘chosen’ for

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • Leaders take stands

    The previous entry ended with my three discoveries.  Today I would like to begin the discussion of the first one: leadership is a decision, and a decision that is accessible to anyone. When I say leadership is a decision, and that this decision is open and accessible to everyone, I mean that we can all influence our context and the

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • A new start

    I have not been writing on this blog for a while. but two recent events got me thinking that I should start again. In fact, the two events are related, and they lead me back to the story of Medicines for Humanity and founder Tim Bilodeau. Event One: I am being honored by the organization as ‘Humanitarian of the Year’

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling