
  • Learning to process our life experience

    When I go on my speaking tours several times each year, one of the most popular talks I do is about the common “myths and realities” of leadership.  By “myth”, in this context, I mean something that much of society persists in believing when it is actually not true. One of the most prevalent of these myths is the belief

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • Reflecting on leadership and management

    It is often interesting to return to classic business concepts, to reflect and to gain some new perspective on them.  Yesterday, I was reading Julian Birkinshaw’s book Reinventing Management, and it got me thinking again about the distinction we often make between leadership and management. Birkinshaw is a Professor of strategic and international management at the London Business School, where

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • My new book (continued)

    Last time, I wrote that my forthcoming book will be, at least indirectly, a reflection on an age-old question: What exactly constitutes effective leadership?  For, if I have come to coach leaders in the specific way I do, it is in part because I feel that our society has gone astray in its views of what true leadership is and

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • My New Book

    Though there is certainly more to write about hero stories and their role in business, I am choosing to leave that topic for another occasion, and to instead give an update on my recent writing activity. In fact, during the past weeks, much of my attention has focused on completing my latest book, which is about “leading by autobiography”.  The

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • The Hero’s Journey and popular culture

    Since the Hero’s Journey is so powerful, ubiquitous and influential, I will lay out its basic pattern this week, along with an example from popular culture.  At some later date, depending on the evolution of my activities and thoughts for this blog, I will discuss the relevance of heroic tales for the world of business and marketing. As we noted

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey

    As I wrote in last week’s post, a recent series of events caused me to consider again one of my favorite storytelling concepts, the Hero’s Journey.  In fact, I have long been fascinated by classic story patterns, so I felt like writing something this week about the eminent mythologist Joseph Campbell and his theory of narrative. A diverse group of

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling