Why “keeping it simple” is never easy
June 20, 2019Writing the previous post brought to mind an amusing—but also highly pertinent—tale I read some time ago in the...
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Story is what connects unusual pairs of effective leaders
December 6, 2018In the previous post, I referenced my doctoral research—specifically my use of “unlikely pairs”. During those years, in fact,...
Finding idleness in the swimming pool
September 24, 2015In the last post, I commented that the lifestyle of Pico Iyer—a travel writer who lives unplugged from nearly...
The longterm impact of Steve Jobs?
May 7, 2015Much of my life for the past two decades has involved leaders and their personal and organizational storytelling. Consequently,...
Heroes of modern leadership
May 1, 2015Every so often, probably a few times a year, I receive some sort of request to speak or write...
Systems thinking, liberal arts education, and learning language
September 12, 2014Systems thinking seems to be crossing my path these days. Or, is it perhaps my current mindset that causes...
Some life lessons from artistic pursuits
June 27, 2014Last week, I wrote of an example of deliberate practice from my past: studying theatre and performing with Bernard Uzan...
Following my curiosity
June 19, 2014Steve Jobs’ story about his Reed College calligraphy class and “connecting the dots” got me thinking about whether I...
How to find your passion
June 12, 2014This week, a friend sent me an article about why “follow your passion” is bad advice. The article cites...