
  • Political discourse and the power of storytelling

    As it happens, I am writing this on US election day. Since readers are still encouraging me to continue writing along my current political line, I have watched a bit more news than usual over the past few weeks. In particular, I paid some attention to Joe Biden as he spoke out about some of his views on policy. Mostly though,

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • My apolitical commentary about politics

    Our previous post put forth the case that Joe Biden would be well served by making effective use of his personal stories. In addition, I promised to propose some general ideas about the types of stories the candidate could use to help him connect with voters. Before proceeding though, and based on the many reactions of readers to my recent

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • Six recommendations for the Biden team explained

    Last time, I promised to go back over some of the recommendations I would make if I were coaching Joe Biden. Given my professional activity and firm belief in the impact of identity stories, I would mostly assuredly push this candidate—or nearly any other for that matter—in the direction of using the power of personal storytelling. Concerning the other elements I

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • How the Biden campaign can help voters to really know Joe

    In the previous post, I laid out the hypothesis that most voters probably know little about Joe Biden, other than what is written in his bio. In other words, they have read or seen reports of his public life, his years in the Senate, or his term as vice president in the Obama administration. But, what do most Americans know

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • “Everybody knows Joe”

    Not long ago, a colleague who reads this blog directed me to an interview with another prominent operative on Joe Biden’s team, Symone Sanders. Since I have been getting such positive feedback on my “identity stories in politics” theme, I looked forward to seeing if Ms Sanders would have anything to say on the topic, and if she would provide

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling
  • My view of what candidate Biden should do

    In recent weeks, a number of readers have made a point of telling me how much they are enjoying my posts on political issues. Whenever this happens, it feels a bit strange, since I am writing in a realm where I have no particular expertise. At the same time, the positive reactions demonstrate that people—those who read this blog at

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    John Sadowsky Leadership & Storytelling