Successful brands are like successful leaders in the way they are able to inspire. Brands, like leaders, tell stories that other others want to be a part of. They engage their communities on issues that their people, the members of the community, care deeply about.
One brand that succeeds in engaging its user community with a larger, more meaningful story is Pampers, the global market-share leader in baby diapers. While the product itself is quite a common one with a routine function, the company has managed to build an active following by positioning themselves as the people who help with all aspects of caring for an infant child.
On their Pampers Village website, they have assembled the Pampers Parenting Network, a group of leading child development experts and medical professionals, hand-picked to provide parents with free expert advice. The “Ask an Expert” section puts visitors directly in touch with the experts, who offer answers to questions about a variety of parenting concerns, such as feeding and sleeping habits.
The Pampers example is an interesting one, as it demonstrates an increasingly prevalent marketing strategy of forward thinking brands. On their websites or Facebook pages, these brands often build a sense of community not by talking about their products and services but rather about related activities. By offering value added content about all aspects of becoming a parent, Pampers becomes a trusted companion, a partner in a broader conversation that goes far beyond the product itself.