Spontaneity in public speaking
August 4, 2016Last time, I closed the post with an appeal for more unscripted speeches, and for increased spontaneity in public discourse....
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The power of interaction among story, teller and listeners – part 2
July 28, 2016In our example from last time, we discussed how Martin Luther King was growing into new stories of identity, framed...
The power of interaction among story, teller and listeners – part 1
July 21, 2016In the next two posts, my plan is to highlight several concepts from recent entries, and review them through...
Dynamic interaction of story, teller and listeners
July 14, 2016As I wrote in the last post, it was my coaching of others that caused me to discover how...
Reflections on storytelling and self-image
July 7, 2016In the last post, I made reference to one of the core concepts of both my consulting work and...
Stories create leaders as much as leaders create stories
July 1, 2016If one studies the great leaders of history, one often observes a synergistic relationship between leader and story. As...
The stories we shape will also shape us
June 23, 2016This week, one of my favorite reflections about storytelling—from the recently departed British novelist Terry Pratchett (1948-2015)—came to mind:...
Our tightly scripted modern political discourse
June 16, 2016This week, I had planned to write something more about Martin Luther King, a reflection on how he progressed as...
How Martin Luther King Jr. came to tell the world about his dream
June 10, 2016As I wrote last time, if Martin Luther King had stuck to his script for the March on Washington...
How Martin Luther King prepared himself to improvise
June 2, 2016Recently, as I was reading through some notes I took about Martin Luther King during my doctoral study, I...