Nelson Mandela and his South African rainbow nation
October 26, 2021At the outset, my plan for this post was to focus on Nelson Mandela, whose tale of transformation is...
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How the US could get on the road to unity
September 20, 2021In the last entry, I wrote that Joe Biden’s best opportunity to have a transformational impact on the American political landscape...
Mr Biden’s missed opportunities
June 4, 2021When I sat down to write the last post, it occurred to me that two of the primary themes...
How President Biden might use the experience of Thatcher and De Gaulle
April 26, 2021Continuing on the theme of last time, I have often wondered if leaders today can still learn from the...
Can lessons from the past help Joe Biden today?
April 6, 2021The protagonists of our two previous posts, Charles De Gaulle and Margaret Thatcher, are illustrations of a point I...
An impressive tale of transformation
March 16, 2021The previous post, about Charles de Gaulle’s use of narrative and historical symbol, led some readers to ask if...
Searching for Joe Biden’s story
June 21, 2020It seems that every four years, history repeats itself, and something causes me to write about US politics. Of...