Our world now needs stories of inclusion and unity
January 18, 2021In the last post of 2020, I remarked that Joe Biden had positively impressed me with a powerful personal...
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A veritable story of identity from the incoming president!
December 14, 2020Last time, I stated that I had not seen any true examples of “leading by autobiography” on the part...
Six recommendations for the Biden team explained
October 2, 2020Last time, I promised to go back over some of the recommendations I would make if I were coaching...
“Everybody knows Joe”
September 9, 2020Not long ago, a colleague who reads this blog directed me to an interview with another prominent operative on...
My view of what candidate Biden should do
August 24, 2020In recent weeks, a number of readers have made a point of telling me how much they are enjoying...
When presidential candidates miss a major point about storytelling
August 9, 2020As I have often stated, my interest in politics is not more than peripheral. There are times, though, when...